Powerful Tiger
Tigers are likely to succeed in sales, personnel management and military careers. They typically have a strong competitive streak (especially in business dealings) and must be careful not to create enemies during their quest for success. Not easily influenced by others, the Tiger's natural authority is seldom challenged, and make excellent role models. They have a magnetic personalities and, when combined with their confidence, are difficult to resist.
The Tiger is usually regarded as having male-like tendencies and therefore Chinese tend to distrust women born in the Tiger years, partially because of the power that they can exert.
Tiger personalities are daring fighters and stand up to the bitter end for what they feel is righteous. They are respected by their peers and enemies for their courage and dedication.
Tiger personalities are sensitive, emotional, and capable of great love, but have a difficult time understanding the meaning of moderation. They often approach love with as much ferocity as a good fight.
The Tiger is indeed the king of the beasts in China as well as many other countries throughout the world.
The Tiger, the living symbol of strength and power, generally inspires fear and respect. Tigers' compelling dynamism, intense activity, independence and curiosity about others make them irresistible, persons of multiple charms; Tigers attract followers and admirers. The Tiger is courageous, active and self-assured, and makes an excellent leader and protector. However liberal-minded Tigers may be, they are passionate, rash, and resist the authority of others. Although they are selfish in the little things, they are capable of great generosity, even of altruism, in the larger. Tigers are men and women of action, thrust by destiny into the spotlight.
Tigers are fearless creatures in as much as they blind themselves to dangers and impetuously rush in where more cautious individuals would fear to tread. Outspoken in the face of injustice, their strong humanitarian instincts will not allow them to pass by if they see a wrong perpetrated upon another.
Tigers tend to renounce confining traditional roles, opting for a more unfettered life. With a wide ranging mind, they can adopt any number of careers. Their many experiences serve to enrich their life and add depth to their nature. Material benefits matter little to them.
Solitude is often the price Tigers pay for their position of authority, but they become accustomed to it. Better still, they draw on the experience, gaining new energies and great strength.
Chinese say the life of a Tiger born at night will be less hectic than that of Tigers born after dawn and above all, those born around midday. It will be a stormy life full of dangers, but the Tiger will never be bored. Neither Night Tiger nor Day Tiger will have an easy life. The Western term for a particularly fierce woman is "dragon lady," but the Chinese call her an "old tiger lady." For this reason some Chinese avoid having children in the Tiger Year -- for fear of having a daughter.
The lucky Tiger represents the greatest power on earth, and is the emblem of protection for human life. A Tiger in the house minimizes the Three Great Risks -- thieves, fire, and evil spirits. If there are two Tigers in the house, however, one of them has to go!
The Sexy Tiger
Tigers make ardent and virile lovers who dominate their partners. Because of their sensuality, their impetuousness and love of adventure, there is an excitement that not only follows Tigers wherever they go, but also guarantees them a certain irresistible sexy allure. These creatures whose emotions are out-front have strong libidos and are lusty in their passions. Generally flirtatious, they are especially prone to wild flings in their early years but do settle down as they get older. When committed to a happy and fulfilling relationship, Tigers make loving and caring partners, warmhearted and generous. They don't, however, lose that romantic streak nor that exciting ability to surprise.
Tigers have an inborn magnetic personality that attracts people to them like bees to honey. Warmhearted, sociable and friendly, they are characterized by their frank, honest and open approach. Their immense kindness and generosity will always shine through except when crossed or backed into a corner, for then they can become vehement and ferocious.
Encounters with the Horse and the Dragon will be especially interesting. Tigers will feel a definite affinity with the Rat and Boar but should avoid the Rabbit. Above all, beware of the Ox, who is stronger than the Tiger and will keep on attacking him until he is destroyed. If there is a Tiger and an Ox under the same roof the Tiger will have to quit before he is annihilated.