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The Introduction to Computers is an Open Source document; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
The Introduction to Computers is published on GrassRootsDesign's website for public use by the Internet community. Read it, pass on the link and enjoy it. Information wants to be free! Though not required, it would be great to hear where you are using the document by sending an email using this form.
The information that I provide is true to the best of my knowledge but with the ever changing computer industry it could become out of date between versions. Comments, suggestions and criticisms are appreciated. You can view the history of the Introduction to Computers here. GrassRootsDesign does not answer individual questions about computers but will try to incorporate your questions into future versions of the Introduction to Computers. The document is written in Canadian English (no, colour is not a misspelling!).
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There were many people, friends and co-workers have contributed a lot of valuable assistance. A special thanks to Ted Kaiser and Dave White who's advice and expertise was invaluable in the beginning of this guide.
Credit also should be given to the hundreds of unionized & non-unionized workers, students, and business people throughout Southern Ontario who have taken these courses and shared valuable feedback which has helped shape this resource.
Thank to the thousands of writers, educators and resources providers who have given their knowledge freely through their feedback, websites and through newsgroups/discussion groups.

Last updated: September 21, 2024