The Delicate Rabbit
Hares or Rabbits are happiest when with friends and safely inside of social circles. They are often meek and withdrawn among groups of strangers. They seldom like to argue and enjoy quiet, peaceful lives. A Hare is cautious and will weigh the pros and cons from every angle before moving ahead.
A lover of good conversation, reading, and intellectual discussions, the hare is sincere and are often gifted healers, herbalists, and doctors. Traditionally associated with clear-sightedness, the Hare is an excellent judge of character and has a certain ability to recognize when others are lying. A Hare's home is typically a beautiful one, and they take great care and expend a lot of energy making it comfortable. You will find a lot of expensive and precious items in the home of a Hare personality.
The Chinese have many strange legends about the Hare, one of them is that they inhabit the moon, together with three-legged frogs. Another legend has it that the Hare possesses the secret recipe for the elixir of immortality.
The Rabbit is quick, clever and ambitious, but seldom finishes what they start. They epitomize gentleness, refinement and elegance, turning their back on conflicts of any kind. Preferring a situation that is perfectly favorable according to their specific desires, the Rabbit bypasses all obstacles and persons they don't find suitable. As a result, they are rarely angry, hostile or aggressive. Companions quickly forget any discord, only remembering their seductive grace.
The Rabbit is the happiest sign of the Zodiac -- gifted, nice to be with, discreet, refined, reserved, ambitious but not too much so, and virtuous in the bargain. Nobody ignores Rabbits, for they are good company and know how to make the best of themselves. Unfortunately, however, Rabbits are superficial and their good qualities are superficial also.
The Rabbit is a social creature, tactful, cool, and sensitive to others. Yet this calm can become aloof, the sensitivity can be quirky and thin-skinned, and the intelligence can become dilettantish. The Rabbit is lucky -- with brains and only a little hard labor, the Rabbit can go far.
Rabbits seem to be born with an innate sagacity, a natural shrewdness which makes them streetwise when it comes to the affairs of the world. Intuitive and with a canny understanding, they seem to possess an ability to see things before they happen, a talent which secures them the best deals both in business and in life, whilst also ensuring them financial stability and security. With perfect understanding of their partners, they frequently have the advantage, and in the practice of human relations, they are unrivaled in what requires subtle negotiations. They will undertake nothing before they have weighed the pros and cons and examined the deal from every angle. Because of this, people admire the Rabbit and take them into their confidence. They shines in trade, especially in some offbeat aspect of it like antiques, which permits them to capitalize on their good taste. Politics, diplomacy and the law all offer the Rabbit equally good opportunities -- provided always that they can live the tranquil life they craves within their orbit.
Style as well as an eye for beauty are especially associated with this group whose members possess refined tastes together with artistic skills. Highly creative people, art is of particular interest to them. Because of the Rabbit's built-in acquisitive nature, many become great collectors, filling their houses with beautiful paintings and art objects. In whatever walk of life Rabbits find themselves, they will always be distinguished by this sense of refinement and their cultured views. Elegant both physically and intellectually, Rabbits will always stand out from the crowd either as extremely stylish dressers or because they create an individualistic fashion statement of their own.
During the three phases of his life, the Rabbit will manage to have the peaceful existence they want on one condition: that they keep away from the exceptional situation, the dramatic turn of events, or the insurmountable obstacle. Wars, revolutions, natural catastrophes have nothing to do with them; they weren't designed for adversity. Anything that threatens their quiet life becomes insupportable.
There is usually something offbeat and mysterious in the Rabbit's makeup, as though they hold the secret to some great truth that they dare not reveal. It must be remembered that the Rabbit's apparent weakness can easily be changed into strength -- from man to magician to god.
The Sensual Rabbit
Though Rabbits are sensitive, sentimental creatures, emotional and easily moved to tears, when it comes to committing themselves to a long-term relationship they can be quite mercenary. Their driving passion is a desire for an easy life, filled with as much comfort and luxury as they can get. Thus they are more likely to show their allegiance to someone who will not only provide security and stability but who will also guarantee as much pleasure and luxury as possible. But to give them their due, once they have found the right partner they make faithful husbands or wives, devoting themselves to their families and to their homes. By the way, their sensuality usually ensures that the Rabbit family will be a large one.
Affectionate and obliging though they are with those they love, faithful and loving though they are, the Rabbit finds it easy to benefit their friends at the expense of those nearest to them; they are not really a family types, and that's the truth of it. Often enough, they regards their parents or their children almost as strangers to whom they prefers the cronies of their own choice. So far as female Rabbits are concerned, they can always be relied on to do their duty, but their maternal instinct in fact is strictly limited.
The honest Dog and scrupulous Boar get on well with Rabbits. The Rabbit will settle down well with the Ram whose artistic sense they appreciates. The Horse and Tiger do not suit them. There is good interaction with the Ox. The Rabbit should remember to avoid the Rat like the plague!